1.2.1 Upgrade Disaster

SO, I have a machine I use…urm, used to constantly used for months. I took a break and left it alone. I came back the other night and there was a message saying that 1.2.1 was available. I clicked NO because I didn’t want to deal with it. Lightburn froze and refused to quit. Then the machine froze. I had to shut down the machine. When I fired upon lightburn again, it asked me about the upgrade again and I said NO. Same situation. froze, yada yada. The third time I said yes, upgraded, rebooted, and when lightburn started it was like a new install. All of my machines, GONE, all of my settings, GONE. Gave me the new install spashscreen. SO now all of my carefully dialed in settings were gone and 1.2.1 is being flakey as hell. Sometimes it stops in the middle of a burn, turns off the laser, and just sits there. The console seems to think it is still burning. So my main question is WTF?
Has anyone else had these issues? I love the SW but this is a work killer. I hope there Is a check for updates button because that thing is going off.

You’re going to ask me what kind of laser. Its custom GRBL laser that I built has worked for over a year just fine.

Open LightBurn and select File/Load Prefs Backup. This will open up a menu of a bunch of backups of your configuration. Pick one and select the Load button. Restart LightBurn, and you should be back to your configuration as before.

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