130W co2 laser not firing

Hello, I have 130W co2 Chinese red and black laser machine. Ruida controller, working area is 28x20in. The laser stopped firing in the middle of a cut. I replaced the power supply and laser tube today. I have confirmed that the power supply is getting power, but it does not output any power and there is no light on the power supply and the fan in it does not spin either. Does anyone know what is causing this? Could is be a problem with the controller? Could it be that the new power supply just doesn’t work? The other power supply was only 6 months old.

Is this the laser power supply (lps)?

My lps has lights and fan when there is mains power to it.

Did you check and see if it’s a 120/240v device that may have a voltage selection switch?

Was the previous lps acting the same way (lights/fan)?

There is nothing in the controller that switches this if I’m following you.

I’ve fixed things for almost 50 years, yes, you can get inoperable new parts…

If this is the lps, how do you know?


Yes, it is the lps. I measured the input voltage at 120v at the connection to the lps. It is on the correct voltage selection, and there is no light or fan - this is the same thing that happened on the previous power supply. To confirm the no output, I checked the tube and it is not firing at any power, and I disconnected the wires from the ops to see if I could get any arcs between them and there is nothing.

Not exactly what I’d suggest, but it’s pretty clear you’re correct.

A bit of logic here says most of this junk works, out of the box… with an lps, usually the HV side of things fail not the basic low voltage side of things. I’d expect low voltage side, such as an led and a fan to operate.

I’d suggest you ensure the main are connected correctly… if the switch is correct along with the mains, it should power up. Try cycling the voltage select switch… these aren’t always top quality switches.

After that, the user fix-ability of these if pretty limited, no schematics or any information to speak of. Some people consider these consumables.

What does bother me, is that the original supply behaved the same way as far as the led/fan.

Good luck


Thanks, I ordered another power supply and will see if that works tomorrow. I have tried both orientations of the switch multiple times with no luck and everything is connected properly.

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I suspected you had, I figured you’re competent…

Good luck - let us know


New power supply did NOT take care of it. Still measuring 120v in at the 3-pin connector, but no lights or fan on the power supply. I do not understand how it can be getting power but not showing any sign of life. This is the lps I have: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C8S7XH48?ref=ppx_pt2_dt_b_prod_image&th=1

The link stated it was a 220V supply?


It is 120v and 220v dual compatible, details are in the description. For now, I have the power supply 3-pin connector wired directly to a wall outlet with only the two slots on the right side of the connector having the wires and the left slot empty (this is the only configuration that would work). Power supply works now and laser works, but is always at 100% power no matter what it is set to. Any clue why this works, but there is no sign of life when plugged into the machine? Obviously this is not an ideal solution because it bypasses the laser key switch and is stuck at 100%, but it works for my current project and will get me by for a while.

I have no clue what you’re telling me here… the left connector is the mains…and it’s empty?

Must be doing something correctly…

On the Ruida, something is wrong in the wiring… can you check?

Ruida LPS
LOn-1 L

The pwm (or analog) control, LPWM1 controls how much current the lps will supply. The L is laser enable and is active (low) when it needs to lase.

On these controllers, the pwm signal runs continuously as a layer executes, then the laser is enabled to cause it to lase.


Everything on the controller is wired correctly. I have been using this machine for 3 years then out of nowhere it stopped working. The far left most power connector on the lps is empty currently, but somehow it works. Only large issue that I have right now is stuck on 100% power. I have a new 130W machine on order currently.

This is typical of a hardware failure.

Unplug the cable from the controller to the lps… at either end. Does it lase? If not, you can eliminate the lps.

That leaves the control signals in a state it should not lase.

The only other options are the Ruida or it’s wiring.
