A few noob questions that may not be possible, but likely are

Hi, couple quick questions for anyone that has had similar experiences. I perused some documents but didn’t see anything from a glance.

  1. There are two types of frame, the square one (outer most extents in a square/rectangle) and the oblong shape I believe it is (not at my laser). Typically when I hold shift and trace the frame, it follows the path of all items (most times on the tool layer showing the outer extents of my part that I don’t want to burn), but yesterday, it avoided the tool layer. This is really desirable at times but I have not been able to duplicate this action. Anyone know how I can get the laser to trace everything but what is on the tool layer?

  2. Is there a way to fill certain enclosed shapes on a layer but not others? Or do I have to ungroup everything and select the entity and put it on another layer then regroup?

  3. For Ortur laser users, is everyone’s laser as unpredictable as mine? Sometimes, my laser will frame when I tell it to, sometimes it won’t and I have to turn the laser off/on again, sometimes I have to home it and sometimes I have to shut the whole thing down and start again.

Thanks - I’m having tons of fun with this!

To point 1, everything that is marked will be tracked. Sometimes it is easier to make one’s design on different layers and enable or disable one layer at a time, depending on what is to be engraved or cut. For point 2, if you want to engrave or cut only some items of the same layer, they must be ungrouped, but you can also select some items and group them into subgroups and process them separately.

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