Abacus Laser Makeoff Friday

Hi Everyone, I’m hoping this post is ok for here. I competed in a MakeOff with the Abacus Makerspace in October and it was awesome. We had 75 minutes to make a halloween item. We all got together via Zoom.

Anyways, there is another Makeoff this Friday and it would be fun to have more people. There is a $7 buy-in but Abacus definitely loses money overall on the makeoff as they’ve never had enough competitors to make up for the prizes. The buy-in is just so people are committed :slight_smile:

If you want to join us, check it out here - https://makewithabacus.com/event/make-off-competition-holiday-edition/

I’m not affiliate with Abacus in anyways, I just think the makeoffs are awesome and it would be fun to have more people.

