Abnormal wait times to start engraving

I just recently updated the software to version 1.4.03 and it seems to have significantly slowed down the time it takes to set up a preview and/or start engraving. It takes nearly 10 minutes before it will even start a job. If I try to hit cancel it says lightburn isn’t responding and gives me the option to close the program or wait for it to connect again.

I am connected via Ethernet cable.

Are you using offset fill on a large or complex shape? The math involved for offset fill can be quite intensive. I have found that a 4 leaf clover shape will absolutely make LB lock up when you are set to offset fill.

Change to normal fill and see if it will improve your start delay.

It’s a fairly simple image. Engraving and cutting out 20 hat patches like I’ve done many times before but I’ve never used offset fill.

In previous jobs this size (only about 10” x 18”) it hasn’t taken this much time to get it going.

Thanks for the suggestion though. Any other ideas?

That’s a great information. I have found that a 4 leaf clover shape will absolutely make LB lock up when you are set to offset fill.

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