Adding a second computer

I’ve been through a few posts and can’t find an answer. I just lost my 18 month old computer. I fixed a broken hinge and when I tried to boot it up it just wouldn’t let me put anything in the password box. If anyone can figure that out please share.

I went into the license portal and deleted that computer. I just can’t find where to add another computer to my license. Is there a ‘secret’ hand shake somewhere that I’ve missed?

Can this be answered in here or do I need to contact support?


Don’t worry about trying to add the new computer to the license portal as this will happen automatically when you use your license key in the normal manner to activate LightBurn at the new computer in the Help>License Management area.

Regarding the password issue - your keyboard may have had a problem or a faulty key that is stuck down/on, try using a different keyboard or alternatively the on-screen keyboard to enter the password.

Thank you, it’s been a long time since I added a computer and I just forgot about trying the license key. That worked.

I don’t have any extra keyboards but I’m getting a USB keyboard and trying that. Thanks.

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