I beleive it’s easier to herd a cumulonimbus than to make apple do something like this on request. Still, it’s not my question, which was about MDI.
Thanks for your effort. I hope this’ll be fixed (or implemented or whatever) soon. I remember the same row was going on about Gimp only having SDI. That was fixed, though, but it took some time…
With reference to asking Apple to add more instances of the same program, well. Apple is a dinosaur and making them change something is likely to take years, many of them. Same applies to Windows. With Linux it’s usually easier, since it may be possible by located the correct developer.
But again - starting a whole new program just to handle another document seems extremely overkill. We’ve had MDI functionality since the first GUI appplications I ever used on win 3.1x, Word 2.0. Even that worked (somehow), and that was some 25 years ago.
So could you please add this? It’ll save resources as well and may even be better at handling who should own which port instead of opening a full application for each document.
Are you still beating this horse?
You aren’t the only one that has features they’d like to see added. Take a number and get in line. Jeez…
You can add your vote of support for the addition here: Multiple tabs inside of one window · LightBurn