Adding new device(s) but they do not save

New install of Lightburn (current version) on new (to me) laptop. Lenovo T440P w/ Win10pro). Only app on this laptop is Lightburn. Have 3 devices to load, but started Lightburn with “no machine”. Problem: Using "find my device, I create a record and follow the steps. When I hit Finish, I see the new profile in the list. When I close the device window, I do not see the new device listed on the screen. Open the device window again and, sure enough, it ain’t there.
Recognized my Longer Ray5, my Monport 40W just fine … but will not save them Haven’t managed to get it to recognize my Longer Nano Pro 12W yet.

Did you click OK after Finish?

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way to make me feel even dumber. I thought I did, but after redoing (again) and looking for the OK box, I discovered that I had inadvertently increased the depth os the task bar and covered that line up. Thanks for the exceptionally speedy help.


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