Adding Z motor to black/red 80w machine?

Hey all! I’m going to be adding one of these 80w black and red machines from eBay to my fleet. But I have a couple questions.

None of them appear to come with a power z table, so that’s something I’m going to add right away. Has anyone ever done this? How was it done?

Also, when it comes to hooking a rotary up, on my k40 with the c3D mini I have the rotary wired up on its own plug so when I need to use it I just plug it in and go. Is there a way to achieve this with a ruida controller as well or am I gonna be forced to swap the y for the rotary every time?

When you are considering to convert to a power table, do you mean simple powered movement or do you mean controller managed movement?

Probably controller powered movement.

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