Las líneas de desplazamiento (Displacement or Scroll lines)

Al grabar en cuero me aparecen las líneas de desplazamiento del laser y no encuentro el parámetro para eliminarlas. Agradeceré la ayuda. Saludos

When engraving on leather, the laser displacement lines appear and I cannot find the parameter to eliminate them. I will appreciate the help. Cheers

hola ne3cesito ayuda no se como quitar la impresion de lineas de desplazamiento,

hello I need help I don’t know how to remove the printing of scroll lines,

Make sure that laser mode is enabled in Edit->Machine Settings ($32=1).

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In some rare cases it’s not a $32 setting. Can you tell us more about the Laser CNC 18? Which version of GRBL are you running? What does it say in the Console window?

I believe that the lines you mention are most often called Traverse or Traversal lines in English. I am hopeful that this small offering helps you find what you need while searching.

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