All axes stopped working on OMTech + Ruida Controller

I have a 1-month old OMTech 100W laser that has a Ruida controller. We set up the machine and it was working properly. Last week I went to fire it up and I am unable to move any axes using the controller with LightBurn on my Windows XPS 13 (Windows 11).

When the machine is starting up, the display shows “System Resetting, RDC-V8.00.67, HMI - V40.77.02”. The XYZ coordinates update on the LCD screen as I use the controls, but the actual physical parts do not move.

One other thing I noticed is that when I try to use the autofocus functionality, nothing happens other than the LCD screen shows “Resetting…”

When looking at the Drivers, the DMA860H Driver has a red light that blinks 2X every 3 seconds.

What should I try to do to fix this issue?

I forgot to include that the laser still fires.

First thing I would do is unplug machine and check all wires at the controller for security. With all the axis not working at the same time I’m suspect of the common wire.

If that’s a picture of the display, since the failure, it doesn’t make sense…

The Ruida ‘homes’ when it starts up, if no parts move, it cannot complete the homing, therefore it cannot know where it is.

It’s display would show maximum values for X, Y & Z, something like 30000, 30000, 3000…

The photo shows these are not at maximum.

Please clarify… that is has no movement when you power it on…?

Also, is it set up with autofocus… I will assume so


Many thanks for your replies and help on this issue! I unplugged almost all of the JST connectors from the controller and the drivers and plugged them back in and let the machine sit for a day. When I came back the next day it fired up and worked properly. Really appreciate you taking the time to assist me on this!