All my files and even ones I draw in Lightburn are cutting elongated on 1/4" ply. The rotary switch is not on. Is this is a software issue? Maybe a setting I have accidentally made in Lightburn? Everything was working fine the night before. I came into the shop the next day and now it is doing this. I am not sure what to fix in my laser if it is a hardware issue. I have tried other files and settings. They are all now cutting elongated. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thank you …I have a BOSS 2440 Ruida
If you have not had a rotary tool in use or otherwise proven changed some settings, I will try to reload a copy of machine setup in the controller.
If it is not related to rotary work I think the setting for stepper motors is changed.
Try engraving a square with 200mmx200mm and measuring the lengths with a calliper.
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