Another node editing situation

I was just telling my wife how blown away I am with the support you guys provide on this forum. Especially for software that doesn’t use a subscription model. Keep up the great work!

Actually I think it is subscription based… The difference is when you purchase it, you get all the updates as they happen…

If your subscription expires, the last version ‘update’ you had that was ‘legal’ so you can’t upgrade as Lightburn makes changes and upgrades…

It’s still the best for lasers, period.


I guess we just have a different definition of what a subscription is. I bought the software once. I can use it indefinitely without having to pay any more money (witch is good since my machine has been in pieces for 8-10 months). I can access and change my previous files without paying any more money. Compared to fusion 360 or onshape (3D CAD programs), this is a completely different business model. The fact that they offer their past customers a discount on the newest version of their software shows all the more that Mr Oz is a good guy :+1:.

No argument here…

It is still software supported by subscription …


I see it as a hybrid. Subscription implies that you’re billed at regular intervals, period. Most “software as a service” / cloud apps work this way, and more companies and trending toward this. With LightBurn, it’s more like your purchase includes a year of updates, and you can keep using it as long as you like without additional payment, but updates after that first year require you to renew.

This is a bit of a “carrot and stick” model - it encourages us to keep improving the software in ways that are important to our customers, and if we do, those customers will presumably pay for the updates.

I still get the occasional belligerent overlap that just won’t trim but, for the most part, this is working very well. Sometimes it would be better to break it into two shapes and nudge them apart a bit; this is still a PITA.

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