Another way of using Holographic vinyl and ortur master with 30 w neje diode laser

this is a project for my customer. since have an extra time I share you the result. I used ortur master on 30w neje laser to cut out a plywood 2x4 of 5.2mm. at the speed of 290@100 full power with 2 passes. all design was done on my favorite software ligthburn. for the cutter as well as my laser. I used the Holographic vinyl for decal.I added decal for package bag to my customer upon purchase. Please see my work on different dimension with Holographic vinyl. My customer love. the reflection is magnificent.

Is that laserable vinyl or just standard. Normal vinyl gives off chlorine gas,which when in contact with metal turns into chloric acid and will eat at your metal parts(bearings rollers mount etc)
This is a reason you cant cut old records.
If its laserable vinyl then just ignore my post. :+1:

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Somebody paid you for that?