I’m looking for something that would allow combining separate elements for the purpose of a union cut (no interior lines), but without losing the ability to individually control/edit the shapes.
More concrete example, picture having a part for a “hook/tab” that is of a fixed known size (such as for insertion into a slot). I’d like to weld that onto the two sides of another piece. If I actually weld, it all becomes a single piece and then I can’t resize the core/central piece without distorting the hook/tab. If I do NOT union/weld it - then it will result in cutting itself off since the outside lines still exist at the point where it would overlap/join.
A possible implementation coule be a layer/cut mode option of “union all overlapping closed elements” would work.
Another would be “Group w/ [Union/Intersect/Subtract]” - where it behaves like a group (where it can be ungrouped at any time), but functions as the joining/welding operation on the layer.
Is there any suggested workflow for what I’m describing?