Art will not save into art folders

For what ever reason, when I save art into my folders I get what is pictured. I can create a new art folder and they will save fine for a few files and then go back to the same way as before. Any help would

be appreciated. Using light burn 1.4.01. Thank you

Is your art library stored in a cloud storaged synced folder?

It is on my network windows server. The whole server is backed up to drive. So yes the folders are backed up to google. I read before that this was an issue so I removed drive for awhile and it still happened. It does it to me with or without cloud services installed. Any ideas?

Can you test this on a locally stored and not cloud backed up art library folder to see if you get the same symptoms?

just tried it on my machine and i was able to put 15 items in a library and then on the 16th one it did the same thing. Any ideas

Interesting. I’ve not seen this although I don’t have a particularly elaborate Art Library which consists of ~60 designs.

Do all subsequent designs then have this issue? Or is it only occasionally? If you re-add the same design, does it work correctly?

I can make a new library and it will save. But after I add a certain amount of designs it will do it again. I have a lot of libraries and art files and I would like to make all the same type in one art folder instead of having multiple art folders with the same kind of files. I have been having to do this because this issue.

Specifically, once the error occurs, does it continue to occur for all subsequent adds? And if so, do the existing good designs continue to have proper thumbnails?

yes sorry. It occurs every time until I make a new art folder then it resets so to speak. And yes the existing ones have thumbnails just like they should.

Interesting indeed. Can you upload a “broken” sample art library? I’ll try to load it and see what I get.

is there a limit to the amount of art you can have in one folder? now light burn keeps crashing

1.5in Kechain 1.lbart (902.3 KB)

Screenshot 2023-12-03 164150

I’m not aware of a specific limit although I’m sure LightBurn would inform you if it ran into a specific quantity limit.

There’s likely a practical limit in any case that would likely make itself apparent.

ok i have attached the art folder and a screen shot of what i am seeing, i cannot add any other files to this folder. I did update to the newest lightburn thinking that may be it but now it has started crashing lol.

Interesting. I don’t get any broken thumbnails. But at the same, time, the ones where you show broken thumbnails aren’t shown at all.

This makes me think that the designs themselves are not being stored.

If you try to use one of your broken thumbnail designs, are you able to bring it into the workspace?

That’s exactly what I get too. I’m also able to add graphics to it.

i cannot add any items to the folder once it does this. and no i cannot ad it to the workspace. I can make another folder and add the same thing to it. but like i said i would like all my designs in the same spot for the same thing. If that makes sense.

I can unload the folder and re load it and I can add about 3 items then I have the same thing start happening again. This folder is located locally on my machine. I have taken my network storage device out of the equation.

As you can see from the screenshot below I’m not experiencing this issue with the library you posted:


I’ve also closed down LB and re-opened it to make sure it persisted.

Could you possibly show a screenshot showing the location of this art library on your system?