Atezr l2 24w laser fires when framing but not when running a job

Initially, I had trouble getting the machine to home and autofocus properly. I’ve got that all sorted out. While trying to run a job the laser will fire when framing, but when I try to run the job itself, the laser won’t fire. The LEDs on the front of the laser module change color like it is firing but no actual laser beam coming out. I’m not getting any error messages. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated. I actually took a video while the job was running. The laser is firing but it appears to be at very low power even though the power for the job is set at 85%

Can you provide the following:

  1. Full screenshot of LightBurn with Cuts and Laser window showing and a basic test design loaded.
  2. Screenshot of Edit->Device Settings
  3. Go to File->Save Gcode, save file with .txt extension and upload here
  4. Run these commands in Console and return the text output:

St,Mattbadge1.txt (231.9 KB)



Target buffer size found




































































I think I got everything you asked for. I really appreciate you taking a look at it. I took the laser module off and cleaned everything and reinstalled. Everything looked good. I hope you can find something or I might have to rename my Atezr machine as the giant purple paperweight.

Forgot to include screen shot of actual project

Missed your reply earlier.

I don’t see anything obvious that would cause the symptoms you’re describing.

However, not everything is adding up either.

Can you provide some background as to what the original problem was and how you resolved it?

I’m curious about this. Is the primary laser firing during framing or is there a red crosshair on your device? Your LightBurn configuration looks like it’s not configured for framing laser so wouldn’t expect your primary laser to fire during this operation.

Can you take a photo of before and after?

Can you review the wiring of the laser module as well as at the controller? Make sure there’s only one way it can be wired and that it looks correct.

Can you confirm that this is a new machine to you? Or was it previously working?

I tried sending a video of what it was doing but did not send. However, I did post the video on the LA Hobby guy Facebook page and someone indicated if I’m just getting the flat blue dot no matter what the power is set at then the LEDs are no longer lasing and are basically now just LEDs. He thougjt they must have overheated somehow. So apparently she’s toast. Again, thanks for trying to help it was much appreciated.