Atezr Lightburn config

Since the Atezr homepage is out of buissnies i was wondering if someone has the lightburn config file for the Atezr L2 36W?? I would very much appreciate if someone could upload or send it. I have tried to google for it but to no success.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I to am having issues and think that the controller firmware was corrupted, the controller burnt up, or there is some other issue. The gantry has NO movement. It starts, makes a slight buzz sound, target laser comes on, screen works, but no movement. I witnessed it working, bought it, took it home, set it up and…nothing.

Control board repacement? Any recommendations on a new controller?

I have made a pubic Shared Drive on Google Drive to house archived Atezr files. I just made it today. If you have any Lightburn Device Files or other files please upload to the Contribute folder here: Atezr Lightburn Device Files - Google Drive