Atezr P10 Coordinates

This is probably operator error, but for the life of me I can not get this machine to match coordinates. I come from the commercial world of G code on CNC mill, lathes, laser, waterjet etc… I assumed that this would be a easy transition. But thus far, it’s been kicking my but on going/doing whatever I ask it.

I have bottom left as Home (G28 ? Not sure if this uses same code, haven’t dove in yet)) (X0,YO,Z0).
Bottom left as user origin/home (G54?)
Green dot is in bottom left, but when I run frame, it frames an object. But if I move said object and ask for frame again, it does not frame in new position. Nor does the program adjust accordingly.

Fwiw, this is day 3 for me and Lightburn. So I assume that the problem is me. I originally had to uninstall Lightburn for the laser to even get recognized by my computer. The second time around it worked.

Also, programs are inverted. Which I was told would happen if I had selected the wrong origin. But this machine homes bottom left.
Trying to chase down these issues. I don’t really care which way or how. I just want repeatability and consistent cuts. I want to know that M3F1000S100X10,Y10 goes to X10,Y10, not X-10,Y-10.

Yes, I’ve watched multiple videos/ tutorials on this, still feel like I am missing something or clicked on the wrong thing, or haven’t enabled the right thing.

Machine works, cuts/engraves, just not in the correct/ corresponding areas.

Thanks in advance…

I think you need to check out this:

And this might also help:

Due to the different starting modes in LightBurn, sometimes coordinates matter and sometimes not. Side note: with grbl-Firmwares, homing command is $H, G28 is not used, G54 is available but offsets and user positions are also rarely used because you have the different starting positions in LB.

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Already watched that video, multiple times actually. Haven’t ready the wiki. I’ll look into it.

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Me too. Lightburn is expecting your part to be in the +X+Y quadrant. This got me too when I was using a table-top CNC mill with the optional laser head.

Unless you have the laser mounted vertically, I am going to assume you HOME in the front-left corner. That is where your machine should show as 0,0 position. G54 should be 0,0,0. Don’t mess with G28. Use $H in the Console window, or hit the Home button in the Laser window.

In the Console window, enter $10=0. You can then investigate using the P10 command to get 0,0 where you want it.

This is exactly what I am saying that I am doing. But the part/work is still flipped.

This is where we get into the busy part. Power up everything, home the laser using Lightburn, and load the part that is burning backwards.

Screenshots (please, no cell phone pix):
The Lightburn workspace including the Laser window.
The Device Settings Window.
The Move window.

The Lightburn file that you are using for these screen shots.

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Create a new device by importing the Atezr.lbdev.

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I will do this when I get home from work.


Part is upside down on machine, approximately correct location. I would say correct, but the machine did not want to go to the position. I made all sorts of noises before actually moving.

Then I moved it to X10,Y10. Rehomed machine, Hit Frame and it framed in the same spot as the last part.


I switched to user origin in those pictures to see if it would move the frame. However, it still will only frame in the original location.

Also, fwiw… (move) jog movements are inverted.

Left goes right and up goes down… etc…

Type $$ and press enter on Lightburn Console window
Then copy/paste here the output.
Edit: Disable the CNC option:

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I added a new machine as suggested and it works and moves as it should. Weird…

I strangely assumed the provided files and set up would be correct from the manufacturer.

But the Grbl Atezr.lbdev file did not work properly with this machine.

Thank you everyone.

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You must disable the CNC option.