AtomStack 5 - X axis 100% larger than Y axis

I am new to Lightburn and Lasers, I have bought an AtomStack A5 40w (5w) and anything I create or import is running 100% larger on the x axis than it should be. The attached image is a 50mm wide box and circle that is 100mm wide. Any ideas?

If you set your machine in move tab to jog 50mm is it traveling 50mm on each axis?

Some folks inadvertently turn on the Enable Rotary switch in the Laser Window, because it’s directly under the Frame button. If it’s on, turn it off and the situation will immediately improve.

If it’s off, then there are other things to look for …

Thanks ednisley, I’ll take a look and see if that’s the case.

I’ll have a look and see, thanks Dskall.

@ednisley I don’t see an option for ‘enable rotary’ under the frame button, or anywhere in fact, so no idea if that is enabled. @Dskall I set up the 50mm jog and it’s definitely moving twice as far on the x axis than y on jog.

Can you provide the following:

  1. full screenshot of LightBurn with the design loaded
  2. photo of the laser with the example burn on the bed in the orientation that it was first burned
  3. run this command in Console and return output:


















































Your symptoms are a bit odd.

Is everything on your machine stock or have you made any modifications? Specifically, have you changed any gears, stepper drivers, or stepper motors on your laser?

This can likely be corrected with a GRBL configuration change but I’m reluctant to suggest it if there’s something else underlying that’s causing the issue.

Can you do one more thing?

Can you take the design you’re showing and then go to File->Save Gcode, save with a .txt extension and then upload the file here? Would like to validate that the gcode looks correct.

The machine is completely stock, unboxed it, followed the build instructions, and initially tried it with LaserGBRL. This resulted in the same problem, so I then tried LightBurn, but the same thing happened.

; LightBurn 1.4.03
; GRBL-LPC device profile, current position
; Bounds: X0 Y0 to X50 Y50
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
; Cut @ 500 mm/min, 100% power
G0 X0Y0
; Layer C00
G1 Y50S1000F500
G1 S0
; return to starting pos
G0 X0Y0

The gcode itself looks fine but shows a different problem. You’re configured as a GRBL-LPC device. That by itself isn’t likely to cause a whole lot of problem but it’s not ideal.

Suggest you push Devices button in Laser window, edit the device and then switch to “GRBL” device type.

As for correcting the width calibration issue here’s what I suggest:

  1. First check on the controller board to see if there are any jumpers or dip switches that allow you to change the microstepping of the stepper drivers. It’s possible this was misconfigured. If so, switch X to match Y.
  2. Failing that, you can change $100 in GRBL configuration to go from 80 to 40. Alternatively, you can use Edit->Machine Settings->Calibrate axis to do this empirically.
    If you want to directly change then you can do this in Edit->Machine Settings or by entering $100=40 in Console
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I would bet it is misconfigured steeper driver settings.

I couldn’t see anything on the board that looked like a jumper, but the $100=40 has done the trick, thank you so much, life is suddenly better!

I’m glad you have something that works. The potential danger is now that you’re not configured as stock so upgrading firmware or something could override this. You technically have reduced the potential resolution of the X-axis. In reality this shouldn’t be a problem but watch out for it.

If you can take high resolution photos of both sides of the controller board someone may be able to identify a stepper driver misconfiguration.

When I had it apart last night, I took a picture of one side, there wasn’t anything to see on the other I don’t think, but this is what was there.

Looks like everything is hard-wired there. If you wanted, you could compare resistance readings for each resistor between the X and Y drivers to see if they’re all the same and check that they’re all in-circuit. I suppose it’s more likely that a resistor was not properly connected more than the wrong rating resistor being placed but hard to say.

Your call if it’s worth it to you. You could alternatively likely get a replacement from the manufacturer if it’s still within warranty.

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