Automatic Airassist

Hello everybody. This is my first post so I would like to say hello to everyone :slight_smile:

I would like to ask, if there is a possibility that lightburn will implement regulation of airflow from airassist. I have found that engraving with air helps to keep the lens clean but the quality of engravings are bad. On the other hand, turning the air off allows to have perfect engraving but the lens is getting dirty very quickly.

I’m talking about a diode laser (sculpfun S30 Pro), I don’t know how it looks in CO2 lasers.

It would be nice when the software could allows us to keep a little airflow, enough to keep the smoke away from lens and not so strong to spread the burn around.

Thanks, Thomas.

Most people accomplish this with a dual valve mechanism that allows for 3 states:

  1. off - manual; no direct computer control
  2. low volume - when air assist is not requested
  3. high volume - when air assist is requested

While potentially useful, most controllers have no mechanism for addressable variable air assist power as far as I’m aware. This complicates a software implementation.

Thanks a lot for your answer. So, I will have to find a valve in my local stores.


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