Automobile tracing

I recently saw a post were the question was about tracing and image of an old car for engraving. I have a picture I’d like to engrave onto wood, but can’t seem to get it looking right. Any suggestions on how to do this in lightburn?

First, I would remove background which Lightburn can’t practically do.

I would use a program like one from Adobe to remove the background. The glare on the hood is going to be a problem. Not sure how to help that. Use dither or. Stukie. Don’t use greyscale. Try 250-300dpi. Test at a reduced scale on the same material you want to use. It may take5-6 tries to get a grip on the settings you want to use.

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As @Dskall points out, the right way to do this isn’t in LightBurn, because it requires tweaking a raster image.

I’d get it into GIMP, guide the Scissors Select tool around the low-contrast edges of the car where automation doesn’t work, tidy the result in Quick Mask mode, delete everything outside the selection, then import the image into LightBurn for tracing.

Basically: use the right hammer for each job.