Avoid cut shapes while traversal movement

Hello everyone.

I’ve been using LightBurn for a while and after some failed cuts I’m wondering if there is an option to avoid shapes that were already cut while the laser is doing traversal movements.

I have a particular piece that has dozens of small triangular shapes that after cutting sometimes lift up high enough that the laser head bumps to it shifting the entire piece from alignment (the laser has air assist and it makes small pieces move).

So, much like a 3D printer software that has an option to never traverse on top of the piece, I’m wondering if it’s also possible with lightburn.

I already use tabs to minimize the problem but sometimes it’s not enough…

Btw I’m cutting wood with an Ortur LM2 Pro

Thanks for the help.

I don’t think so, but raising your project off board and maybe lowering air assist should let pieces fall through. Also removing light guard so less to bump into.

My experience with this was that the parts fell, but not perfectly straight, and the laser marked them when finishing a cut.

Always engrave first and cut last, Read up or watch YT on how to do this with Optimisation settings

+1 to removing laser shield if possible, although be cautious of potentially dangerous laser exposure to you and surrounding people, pet and objects.

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