Bed or screen axis swapped

I don’t know how it happened, but I had the left and right sides of the X-axis swapped.
Somehow, I managed to flip it in LightBurn.
Now the PC screen and the machine are aligned; I see them the same.

However, on the machine’s screen, the X-axis sides are reversed, and I see them mirrored.

Please how can I fix this in LightBurn and where?

Axis X mirrored or swapped

Lightburn cannot fix the laser screen display. If you flip the machine screen, Lightburn would be wrong, correct? Fix the machine in the laser control panel, then go to Lightburn and fix it to match.

Like @MikeyH says, put the setting in LightBurn back as it was and then check the orientation of your display on your Ruida controllers screen on the laser cutter itself.

There are a fair few configuration of Ruida compatible keypads but most commonly the interface looks like this:

Press the menu or Z/U key to navigate to “Screen Origin” and change it to (usually) Top-Right or Up-Right. Warning - you can get yourself in a mess with origins because settings in software and on the controller can have you switching about. Also never-ever choose reset or factory reset on the controller!

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