Bug ? Unwanted Y axis movement with rotary connected to Z axis


I have a rotary connected to the Z axis.

At the end of the job there is always a unwanted movement in the Y axis.

Here is a sample G-Code, where you can see the G-Code with the Y movement at the last line:

; LightBurn 1.7.00-RC-15 @ b993359
; GRBL device profile, current position
; Bounds: X0 Y-0.84 to X0 Y0.84
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
; Cut @ 6000 mm/min, 20% power
G0 X0Z0.829
; Layer C00
G1 Z-1.658S200F6000
G1 S0
; return to starting pos
G0 X0Y0.829

I think this should Z in the last G command instead of Y.
Y should not have any movement commands at all.

If have also tested it with A axis - same problem.
In the last line of code there is always a Y axis movement.

Another problem:
I have automatic home actived at startup.
While the rotary mode is active there still a home procedure at start up - I think this is also not quite correct.
My maschine is like a 3D printer with a moving bed in Y axis. So at startup my rotary is always moving through the machineā€¦



with the lastest update the problem with the unwanted Y movement at the end of the job is fixed - thanks. :grinning:

Still a smaller issue is the automatic homing at startup and the movement to a user defined end position in rotary mode.
My suggesting is just to ignore this setting while rotary mode is active.

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