Hi. I am having some issues with Lightburn. I have a Ruida CO2 with 2 heads laser with a Lightburn camera (8MP Wide 120). The CO2 laser Head #1 is for metal cutting and Head #2 is to engrave and cut non-metals.
The issues are:
1- I am trying to do a Camera Alignment, but I am stuck on the part where the software marks/cut the 8" (200mm) square. It moves correctly but does not turn on the laser. I know why id doing it, it should be for the same reason of the second issue below.
2- I cannot do a material test using the software built-in material test Generator because it only work with laser Head #1 and not with a secondary head.
Developers, please can you do an update to fix that? This way the camera is useless if I cannot set it. I bought this software for these 2 main features only, and i cannot use them because the software does not that the option to select a second head on these features.