Camera Control - X Shift is limited to +/-50 but I need it to be uncapped


I have set up my camera previously and discovered the location of the camera was no good. So now, 2 weeks laer I am repeating the process. I have a problem with the fine adjustment.
It is limited, and that is a probem, as the calibratino gives me something that is out by about 200mm (I am working on a large 1200x1200mm bed) but hte X Shift stops changing once I get to -50. Can we get this unlocked?

Note that I’m not sure why it’s out by so much, and frankly, I’m not bothered, if I can use this adjusment to make it all good - and from experimentation, it is a simple ofset error, and so I should be able to do just that. I am not interested in going through the re-burn of calibration marks again into my fixed bed, as my bed and patience won’t take a whole lot of that. I am using the images burnt previously - which should be fine since the laser is still mounted in the same place as wehn I last burnt the calibration targets in.

Please let me know how I can make the X-Shift go beyond -50.

Thank you,

  • Steve

Support Dump below:


Hi all,

Whom should I talk to about this? Is there a formal software support address for technical issues like this, or is this forum the correct place?

Any suggestions of how I can escalate this issue?

Your original post is prescriptive in what you’d like to happen so sounds more like a feature request. You can request there.

If you’re looking for direct product support you can email

However, in reading it more broadly it sounds more like a camera alignment issue. The fine adjustment is meant to be exactly that, for small adjustments to fine tune a largely otherwise calibrated camera.

Assuming your lens calibration is correct have you tried rerunning camera alignment? If so, what occurs? If not, suggest you do so before trying to use any adjustment at all.

Thank you berainlb for your input!

I had the impression that rerunning alignment would require me to burn fresh markings onto my backboard - now, some weeks later, I’m questioning that view. I’ll go have another play today, since I’m taking a day off from my ‘day job’ to go do something more interesting :slight_smile:

You would absolutely need to burn new markers unless somehow you were able to reposition the existing markers exactly where they were originally positioned. The relationship of the target positions to the camera and the rest of the machine is hyper critical.

Also, this assumes that the lens calibration is solid. Make sure you’re in a good situation there. Ideally you’d be at the low end of the allowable range of scores for every position.

The marks are burnt in fixed position onto a fixed wooden back-board, as I’m using a large format CNC router table with a 30W laser attached. If I tell the machine to go to position x=145, y=300 for example, it will go reliably to the same place, so the laser marks would be burnt over the top of the old ones. I can turn the intensity right down so it doesn’t carve anything new, but it just takes a while to let it go through the process, when I’d like to step into the camera calibration process and skip that earlier ‘burn registration marks onto the base board’ step which has already been done.

The lens calibration was great - perhaps because it was a large area, with a decent distance for the camera. My scores were maybe 1/10th to 1/20th of the recommended minimum (I don’t recall the figures now, nor the target minimums, but I recall thinking ‘crikey, that’s good’.

EDIT: Just checked… target is about 0.3 - I think I might have been like 0.02 or so…

In that case you should be fine as long as the relationship of the camera to the back-board has not changed in terms of position or orientation.

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