Camera frame is wrong on 13mp camera


I have an aeon mira laser with 13mp usb camera.

When i open the windows camera app i can see my full bed. In the lightburn software the image is cropped and i cant adjust it with the x shift and y shift values.

Because the frame is wrong i cant run the camera calibration correctly on my full bed.

Thank you for your time,


In Edit->Settings is the Camera Capture System set to Custom or Default? Try swapping these. Custom is typically better if it’s available.

Also, try different USB ports if you have them. Try a USB3 port if you haven’t already tried.

Another thing to try. In Camera Control window, select “None” for camera and then reselect your camera. Does that change anything?

Thank you for your fast reply.

Changing the camera capture system from custom to default did the trick.

Now it doesn’t recognise the calibration pattern wht i try to calibrate the camera.
I believe that the image recognition algorithm sees a lot of the machine and gets confused.

Thanks again.

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You may need to cover the bed to reduce any distractions.

Also, make sure you’re using the correct calibration pattern.

Note that you don’t need to do lens calibration on the laser. You can do this away from the laser if it’s easier.

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