I just have a question about when the 140 degree camera will be back in stock.
Seems that every time I visit the page, they are out of stock. That is the one I need for my 700x500 laser. Please advise. Thanks!
I see it now. However, I did not before. I am sure it was there but I was focused on looking at the camera page, and did not see it. Thanks for pointing out my mistake so vividly. Awesome.
Not intended to belittle you, just saves me typing. It’s been a banner on the site for a week or so, but it was only a couple days ago that I made it site-wide instead of just the main page. If you kept checking just the camera page you might not have seen it.
Is this a valid seller of lightburn cameras, or, just a knock off?
Those are the same cameras - they use our supplier, and the cameras are configured the same. (C3D is an authorized reseller)
Thank you! I’ll get it from then, and the enclosure from you.
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