Camera Lens Dot Pattern

Switched on laser for first time and got camera setup along with a couple of problems I hope I can get help with.
I fitted the camera to the laser in the garage but to lens calibrate I need the dot pattern printed, no printer in garage. I tried on house computer on which I have Lightburn running but without a camera plugged in no worky. Anyone know of a download without lugging printer into garage.
I then moved onto the 4 circle setup with cardboard, even lowering the power on both the setup screen and min max on Ruida controller it just burnt right through, got it working on ply but still very deep etch. How do I reduce power down.

Link to Circle Pattern

And for printing, this might be helpful:

Speed and power adjustment in the Camera Alignment Wizard:

Many thanks for link to pattern, tried reducing the power settings right down to zero with no visible difference never tried speed. Will try. Thanks

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