Camera ligthburn

I installed the lightburn camera, the program recognizes the camera but I don’t see anything and I can’t go on, where am I wrong? what’s the problem? thank you!

Are you using Windows 7? If so, you’d need drivers:

i can’t solve it gives me error. i use win 10

What do you mean “gives me error”? In LightBurn, or Windows? Describe in detail please, because there are many ways you could have trouble, and the solutions are very different depending on the problem.

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Ho cliccato sul link per win10 ma mi risultava essere per win7… ho cercato il paccherti per win 10, l’ho installato ma la camera non viene comunque riconosciuta da lightburn mentre nei dispositivi del PC risulta con i driver. Provando la camera sull altra postazione con licenza lightburn invece appena collego la camera si vede subito la ripresa. Ho aggiornato i driver e la versione di lightburn ma non cambia il risultato

(translated to English)
I clicked on the link for win10 but it turned out to be for win7 … I searched for the package for win 10, I installed it but the camera is still not recognized by lightburn while in the PC devices it appears with the drivers. Trying the camera on the other location with lightburn license instead as soon as I connect the camera you can immediately see the recovery. I updated the drivers and version of lightburn but it doesn’t change the result

If you use the Camera app in Windows does it work?

Where did you purchase the camera? I do not see your name or email address in our system.

Non ho provato l app per controllare il funzionamento, controllerò subito… l email di acquisto è Francesca Bagnati in data 22/10/19, non l ho mai utilizzata fino a qualche giorno fa per motivi di tempo.

(translated to English)
I have not tried the app to check the operation, I will check immediately … the purchase name is Francesca Bagnati on 10/22/19, I have never used it until a few days ago for reasons of time.

Try it with the Windows Camera application to see if it works there. If it does not, I will assume it is a dead camera and will send you a replacement.

Ho provato con l applicazione ma non funzionava, dopo ho controllato le autorizzazioni e non erano attive, dopo aver attivato le autorizzazioni per l uso di app per fotocamere e microfoni funziona, anche con Ligthburn funziona correttamente. Morale della storia è: su win 10 é necessario autorizzare l uso delle telecamere e microfoni per un corretto funzionamento ( pannello di controllo). Grazie lightburn per il supporto! Buon lavoro.

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I forget about this myself sometimes. I will need to write this up in a ‘Frequent Questions’ topic. Very happy to hear that was all it was.

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