Camera Mount for Galvo Lasers

To be honest I don’t use it that much, as most of the stuff I do with my fiber are in jigs, so positioning isn’t an issue.

If you are after the stl it’s in the second post of this thread.

I need be one but don’t have printer any one willing to make and sell me.

I downloaded the Lightburn STL for the camera mount but it was massive next to yours. Also didn’t know if I could grab the files to adjust the hole size or if you wouldn’t mind adjusting it. Which lightburn STL did you use for the actual camera mount?

The stl is in one of the posts near the top.

Any ideas for a mount for the GI30?

Thanks for this!

Hi Colin

Any update with this?

In theory no, as you are moving the head with the camera on for materials of different thicknesses so the focal distance should stay the same.

Gotcha that makes sense. I ordered a camera from lightburn. I have an EMP 60w MOPA. Gotta do a little more tinkering with your original design to get it to workout. Thanks for the reply.

I have a 8MP autofocus camera I got from amazon and I 3d printed a mount for it on both a 60w MOPA Fiber laser and a 5W UV Laser. Its accurate even with the changing focal distance so long as its not too much, But I cant run the camera calibration for it with the circles, I have to use the 8MP-75-N profile for it and it comes out a bit warped on the bottom like a fisheye lens. I would like to see Lightburn have more support for it in the future if I can make the suggestion.