Camera realign, finetune

Is there a better solution to realign the camera?
In the 4 corner and in the middle I cut a square and a circle. With X-Y shift and stretch I try to align it, but it is so complicated.
At first I set the XY shift with the middle shape.
And then I tried the stretch…Not a perfect result…
Second problem:
With 0-0-0-0 setup, the full image is in the 900x600 area, but if I shift or scale it, it crops the edge, but there should be an image from the camera, and this is inside my work area, which I can’t see.

Thank you for reporting this.

I’m unable to reproduce the behavior.
I am escalating this to my colleagues in Support.

May I ask which version of LightBurn you’re currently running for the report?

1.3.01, If I scale smaller, and shift the camera, it shows like this.

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