I am trying to calibrate my camera but the test on my pc is having me first engrave the 4 corners and then focus in on each corner but my camera won’t focus on anything clear enough to focus in on the corners. I have seen videos using the circle chart but that appears to be on older versions. Which test do I use? My bed is 700 x 500 and I can’t get the image to crop it in to the size of the bed either.
Forgot to say it is the 140 degree camera.
You should manually focus your camera by turning the lens (round cylinder that sticks out) until the image is clear.
I turn it all the way in and again until it came out. I reverted back to Lightburn 9.20 and I got a clearer image so it may be in the new upgrade. It is showing way too much of the bed though, as if it’s too far away. I am 27" from the bed with a 700 x 500 bed. Don’t know how to mount it any closer. Any suggestions?
How did you choose that specific model? The camera selection helper in LightBurn says the ideal mounting height for that camera, with your laser size, is just over 15":
The simplest way to focus is to run the Windows Camera app full screen, choose the LightBurn camera, and focus then.
It said the minimum height was 15.31" and the only other camera available was the 90 and I didn’t think I would get a wide enough view with that one. The guide is not the clearest to understand as far as what your needs are. I’ll probably look into a different camera that can get me closer to the bed. Plus I went off of a suggestion from someone that has the same machine and has the 140.
Is it possible to buy a different lense for my camera?
From us, no - I don’t stock lenses separately. They have standard M8 threads, so you might find lenses elsewhere.
The 90 degree lens says it needs 19.7" of height to see the whole bed, and you’re 27" above - why wouldn’t you think that was going to be enough?
You can mount lower - For example, you could mount the camera anywhere on the acrylic window of the lid as long as when it’s closed there’s enough room that the laser head won’t hit it. If it’s not perfectly centered it’s ok - the camera system can correct for an awful lot.
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