Can't get light burn to let me enter IP Address

Hello, I’m setting up my Elegoo Phecda 20W laser and for the life of me I cant get Light burn to let me add the IP Address. I can add the Phecda profile and edit it. When it asks what type of connection I add I click the Ethernet/TCP and it opens a New Device Wizard window that asks for the IP address, However… it wont let me type anything in the given blanks and wont move past the page without me entering an address. Has anyone else had this issue? Or has anyone solved this issue?

I’m running the latest version of Lightburn and Windows 11

By default the highlighted black trace his flashing try clicking on the green area and input the IP.

Thank you! I thought I tried this before but apparently it will still only accept numeric keys as input and I was typing anything to get it to work…

Now all I need is it to actually connect and I’m set haha

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