Can't select and cut lines and fill on the same run

I think there is something amiss with 1.7.03 that wasn’t in 1.7.01.

Before I upgraded, I made a file that worked fine, meaning that I could select all my layers and run them in one go.
Now, after I’ve upgraded, I ran that (unchanged) file fine, but since I have re saved it in 1.7.03 it will no longer cut lines and fills, if selected together. It will only preview and cut everything except the fills. In order to run the fills, I have to only select them… That’s the only way I’ve gotten it to work. I see this has happened recently (~) to others, but the 30day lock happened on that thread (please make it longer!) and now we have to start all over (~)

I have other new files I’ve created in 1.7.03 that exhibit the same behaviour…
Which leads me to my belief that it has to be the new release… it never was an issue before. (If there was a 1.7.02, I missed out on that)

win10px64 (22H2, build 19045.5131),16gb, i5 650

Please share your file - or a part of it - and we can look at the issue more directly.

Upload the example and show us screen shots of your settings.

Whenever you do an upgrade, before you do anything reload preferences file from prior to upgrade, windows does not always read in the preference file when doing the upgrade.

this will have to wait until I have more time at the machine. luckily this is not my source of income…

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