Cartera de cuero de caballo (horse leather wallet)

Este es mi último trabajo, una cartera de diseño propio, personalizada con las inquietudes del usuario final. Está imprimida y cortada con mi láser de diodo Neje, teñida manualmente, ensamblada y cosida a mano.

This is my latest work, a portfolio of my own design, personalized with the concerns of the end user. It is printed and cut with my Neje diode laser, hand dyed, assembled and hand sewn.


This is very beautiful! Are you dying the leather after engraving the design or are you removing the dye with the engraving?


Primero se imprime y cortan las piezas y luego se tiñen con un aerógrafo, tapando las partes que no queremos teñir.


First, the pieces are printed and cut, and then they are dyed with an airbrush, covering the parts that we do not want to dye.