
There have been some posts lately about aligning CO2 laser beams. People often use masking tape to find their center. This is not optimal for several reasons. The lens/mirrors can get dirty and the accuracy of the result assessment is questionable.
I have made a copy of a target holder that can be used until the original is purchased, which is recommended.
I attach the file for the tool and the targets themselves below, they are for free use.

In the picture you can see that I have used foam remnants, I have stolen/cut from my wife’s yoga mat. :wink:
A 5mm screw is tightened and presses the foam so that it fits nicely and tightly in the holes. I have joined the 3 plywood rings with a 2mm toothpick to center them, then they are glued with superglue.

Alignment-Target-Holder-Targets.lbrn2 (349.7 KB)

The pictures will be coming soon, I have to send them from my iPhone to my work computer first… :persevere: