Chiller question and settings

Thanks Jack, point well taken.

I have, since I figured this out, wanted to change over the emergency switch that will just turn on a ssr to pass power to the machine. This would be a much safer type of configuration. It would also require a separate supply, maybe like a phone charger or battery to enable the ssr…

An ssr have the advantage of turning on/off at the 0V level, making it easier on the equipment.

I found out early using Asian devices, that most parts are running at or near the maximum. Save a couple cents on each of a few million devices, you make a lot more money. Seems like American and EU manufacturers have a greater safety factor.

I even check that the ground of any new power supply is actually at ground … I’ve got a board that was smoked by the output ground being about 50V above the mains ground. Pretty sad when you have to do this.

Live and learn :man_shrugging:


I got some photos/videos of my laser tube.

This photo shows the tube with a bunch of tiny bubbles that accumulated overnight while the small water pump was circulating.

This shows a large bubble that also accumulated overnight just passed the narrow section.

This video shows right when I turn the chiller on. You can see many of the small bubbles are released. About halfway through the video I have to pinch the line quickly to get the large bubble to release.

Laser tube bubbles video

The bubbles only seem to appear when there is no flow or low flow (through small water pump). When the chiller is running I do not see any signs of tiny/small bubbles entering the tube.