Color to layer matching not working for C29 and T1 (instead of T1 and T2)


I’m in the process of setting up a qcad template with the same colors lightburn uses.

I did this by exporting an object in each of the colors one by one to a svg. (When exporting to dxf the rgb values turned out differently, with C05 and T1 actually having the same color.)

Which got me:
00 #000000
01 #0000ff
02 #ff0000
03 #00e000
04 #d0d000
05 #ff8000
06 #00e0e0
07 #ff00ff
08 #b4b4b4
09 #0000a0
10 #a00000
11 #00a000
12 #a0a000
13 #c08000
14 #00a0ff
15 #a000a0
16 #808080
17 #7d87b9
18 #bb7784
19 #4a6fe3
20 #d33f6a
21 #8cd78c
22 #f0b98d
23 #f6c4e1
24 #fa9ed4
25 #500a78
26 #b45a00
27 #004754
28 #86fa88
29 #ffdb66
T1 #f36926
T2 #0c96d9

When importing a test file back from qcad I noticed that 29 imports as C23, and T1 imports as C05.

I found on the forum that T1 and T2 are not supposed to be mapped (anymore), so I’m guessing there’s an off-by-one error happening here.

Personally I would like to see this T1 and T2 not mapping “feature” to be reconsidered. I would find it tremendously useful when designing dxf files, as I often have a “guide” layer with objects that don’t need to be cut.
The way it now works, with it mapping to a different non-related color, is actually really unhelpful, as this just throws it together with stuff which does need to be cut, making it even harder to differentiate and change back to the correct T1 layer.

As it is now (with the off-by-one bug) it would actually be workable, I could use T2 for my guides and pretend nothing is wrong. But when this bug gets fixed I’d really be in it…


Import of Tool Layer is supported and user configurable in Edit->Settings->File Settings->General Import Settings->Allow importing to Tool Layers.

Can you recheck this color? My notes show that this should be:

HEX 0c90d1
rgb(12, 144, 209)
hsl(200, 89%, 43%)

Here’s also a reference to RGB colors per layer:

Note that this doesn’t include T1, T2.

Ah, I indeed have that toggle checked.

So I guess there’s just something going wrong with my C29 and T1 imports, for whatever reason.
The link you’ve shared only talks about C0-29, it doesn’t mention the colors for T1/2.
C29 on that link is the same as I have it.
Both #0c90d1 and #0c96d9 work fine for my T2 mapping. (Not sure why you have a different value for this, I just did a svg export and looked in the generated file to get the color code.)
If you also have #f36926 for T1 I guess something’s up with the qcad dxf export.

In any case, if it’s just qcad messing up those C29/T1 colors, I can live with that. I’ll happily use T2 for my guidelines and forget C29 and T1 exist :smiley:


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