Completely clueless newbie with wobbly lines

Hi all - hoping someone can help!

I bought my Atomstack S10 Pro back in November, and hardly used it due to looking after my baby (so can’t return the darn thing). I’m determined to figure it out but I have no idea what I’m doing and am clueless - please go easy on me. I’m determined to learn it all, fix what’s wrong and make some beautiful things.

I’ve just tried to engrave some plywood, and I’m getting insanely wavy lines. Previously, I have managed to engrave wood perfectly and cut out a truss rod cover for my husband’s guitar out of acrylic with ease, so I’m not sure what’s gone wrong! I will attach a photo of the horrific thing I produced tonight. Not my finest work, as you can see.

I think I’ve sent it up correctly, but am going to check the belt tension, although the laser head seems to move smoothly. I’ve tried it at different settings (you can see the original attempt following by the darker attempt, so maybe this isn’t the easiest image to decipher).

I’m clueless, but want to give figuring it out a bloody good go before I throw the blasted thing (unsure if I’m talking about the machine or myself) out the window…

Examine it in the preview window. You can zoom in to see if that is what Lightburn is telling the laser to do. It looks like a light burn (pun intended) was done, then the material shifted slightly. Is this a single layer in LB? If this gets you nowhere, upload the LBRN2 file so someone can examine it.

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Yes, I should have said that this monstrosity is the result of two separate burns… one light one, then me changing the settings/lowering the engrave speed to see if that helped with the wobbles, which it clearly didn’t.

Will have a look at the preview window. That’s a good idea, hopefully that’ll give me a clue. Maybe. Just can’t figure out why it’s got the wobbles, had a little play around today and nothing has helped so far!