Configuration of XYZ motors impossible

Hello everyone.
So I come to you to find out if you have already encountered this problem.
When I home one shot the X axis goes to the right and the next time to the left.
After when the homing is done the first time, the X axis on the second validation it makes lefts and rights repeatedly and stops.
Ideas ?

I have an MKS DLC V2.0 driver TMC2209 /XYZ card


P.S. if I’m in the wrong section, I’m sorry, my English leaves a lot to be desired.

What firmware have you flashed to your mainboard?

Is it a new build, or is it a new problem on a machine that has worked before?

Hello Runfel, thank you for taking time for me.
It’s true, I should have clarified that.
I have the latest GRBL firmware on 1.1h
And yes indeed I rebuilt my entire machine from scratch because it wasn’t great before I had very small concerns about the quality.

P.S. how should I edit a video? via a youtube link or directly on the forum?

This is ideal.

If a stepper motor is reversing without being commanded the TMC2209 could be at fault.

It may be beneficial to gently swap two driver chips to see if the problem moves.

Thank you very much John,

Tomorrow I’ll try this and I’ll let you know.
Thanks again

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