I have an iMac in a nice warm safe place, and I’d like to place my USB laser out of USB cable reach in a garage.
I’ll use LightBurn on the distant Mac maybe via an iPad screen share, or maybe some other way. But first I need to connect LightBurn to my Ortur LMP2 Pro. Over TCP…
Using a Raspberry Pi connected via USB to the Ortur, on the pi I can run
socat TCP-LISTEN:14537,fork GOPEN:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Ortur_Laser_Master_123456-if00,echo=0,rawer,b115200
(NB all of these commands are open to question - they’re just the best I have so far)
On the Mac I can run
socat -d -d PTY,rawer TCP:rpi2b-nathan.local:14537
(all those ‘-d’ give me enough debug to see ‘PTY is /dev/ttysXXX’)
If I then run on the Mac…
cat my-small-test-gcode.gc > /dev/ttys002
I get the Ortur moving as expected - which was nice!
(I’m not sure all the issues are solved yet, eg flow control sending larger data)
I’d really like LightBurn to take over at this point, and be the App that is sending/receiving the gcode.
But LightBurn is only ever giving me the option of connecting via some su.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
(FYI directly connecting the Ortur to the Mac running LightBurn works perfectly fine).
This thread looks to be about the same as my issue:
I’ve even tried tricking LightBurn by editing prefs.ini
"CommPort": "ttys002"
, but it keeps being reset to cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
as you might expect when thats the only device that is shown in the drop-down list.
So thats my problem so far.
One suggested solution that springs to mind at this point is “I wish I could bypass the nice code that filters out unsuitable devices and force a known /dev/ on LightBurn”.
I know you’ve said you’ve filtered out devices with “a port with no vendor or product ID, which is how I’m currently detecting and filtering out Bluetooth ports that cause the system to crash”.
(Wireless connection on mac)
Perhaps the best possible solution would be ‘ah, you just need our LightBridge software’ but the little bit I’ve read about it seems like its for Ruida/network devices (as opposed to GBRL/USB, but tell me I’m wrong!).