Connection issues. MF2028-100

Hello. Should ruida be a selection in lightburn with the latest update or is this a driver issue or something. I have lightburn connected to my ortur laser, but last night i unpackaged and setup a MF2028-100 omtech laser. The laser came with a usb thumb drive and i inserted it into my omtech in the top usb port. I then connected my laser via usb wire in the port below the top port. Opening lightburn did nothing, so i put the thumb drive into my pc to read what was on it. It has a few things on it like drivers, etc. I even found a file called ā€œinstallationā€ which turned out to be a microsoft word document that explained how to install everything. Step one mentions the pc prompting the install wizard, but that never happens.
I went into the ruida and under network settings, my ip address shows up.
What am i missing here?
Also, the drivers on the usb are DLL files and i am not finding an actual install file of any kind.
I have watched several videos and people connecting a switch or router of sorts, but this would be not necessary if i am doing laser to laptop i would think?!
Operating system is windows 11. Lightburn is up to date

I donā€™t follow youā€¦ the Ruida has no way of knowing your pc ip address. Clarifyā€¦?

If possible go into the Ethernet port, the USB seems to be continuous headaches.

The Ruida is a ā€˜staticā€™ device, so it doesnā€™t query your DHCP for an address. I set mineā€™s to an unused address and it worked fine.

Are you going through a router/switch to the laser or attempting a direct connection?

The simple way it to just let it ā€˜liveā€™ on your lan.

I have a Lightburn Pi Bridge now, itā€™s really great but itā€™s wifi.

Good luck


I am direct connecting. Though i was thinking I might connect it via skybridge once i figure this part out.

I would think that if I am direct connecting, network shouldnt matter, which leads me back to the assumption that this is a driver issue. I have tried the included driver in both. Im eating dinner now, but afterward, i will try the included software first to see if i can at least control the laser and go from there

The included thumb drive. I have tried it in both my laser and my laptop and nothing happens. Im juat a little behind with the tikes and computers. Might be 90% operator error here

Good lord, autocorrect is failing me

If your Ethernet port is not DHCP, then it might work ok with the right IP set on the Ruida. I ran that way, but had to set my machines IP, as it was, as most are, dhcp.

What IP have you configured the Ruida?

What is your computers IP?


Thank you all that helped. The fix was super simple. I needed to upgrade my license. Lightburn is connected and functioning perfectly

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I will most likely be back for the bridge lol. I will try my best first. I know there is a flash required for the raspberry pi. Fingers crossed i can get through it

Pi seem hard to come by latelyā€¦

If you purchase the one they sell, I think itā€™s plug & playā€¦ no ā€˜flashingā€™ requiredā€¦

They seem to be sold out alsoā€¦

Didnā€™t take me any time to convert my own Pi and have been using that.

Good luck


I have a raspberry pi 3 b+ though i have to figure out where i placed it

This is critical and I put lots of thought into where mine should goā€¦ Itā€™s ā€˜livedā€™ here for a number of months.

Theyā€™re pretty tough, I had it ā€˜stuckā€™ to the side of the machine, but it was always getting ā€˜run intoā€™ā€¦

The big problem with the Pi, is there is no external antenna connection available.

It would be very nice to put it into the machine only have a small antenna extruding out of the case. That would eliminate all of the external wiring. I have my Ethernet port on the back of the machine, along with coolant, error connection to chiller and air.

Good luck


Thats actually not a bad idea.
Piā€™s are so versatile. They dont have an external antenna?

Oh you did say it wasnt available. I forgot what you said when I started typing

There is no external connector or a convenient place to get to itā€¦ itā€™s antenna is ā€˜etchedā€™ on the board.

Seen a few hacks, but none that I thought were safe enoughā€¦ If it was a $3 computer, I wouldā€™ve tried it alreadyā€¦ :crazy_face:

There isnā€™t really a lot of ā€˜freeā€™ usable space inside. Where you would like most things sticking out, like an antenna the tube lives there. On the sides are the electronic cabinet/Y drag chain/mirror access, but no really useful places to put things.

Have my air assist solenoids laying in the bottomā€¦


What about this? Says external antenna

A link or something would be niceā€¦ canā€™t tell anything from that screenshotā€¦ :frowning:



Good video, unfortunately I donā€™t work well at microscopic levels with my soldering iron. Like removing the connection from the wifi on board antenna and moving it to the output, with a connector added.

I would like to move this stuff inside the electronics cabinet. I appreciate the video link. When I get an extra Pi, I might give it a shotā€¦


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Hey, do you think if you put some magnets into the bottom of the pi case, that it would stick somewhere on the side of the laser enclosure without interrupting functions of the pi itself? I feel like my pi enclosure is a bit smaller than yours from your picture.