Conversion from MPC03/LV to Rudia 6432G

I just completed a conversion of a ??? (JCUT3050) from a PCI board MPC03/LV to a Rudia RDC6432G.
It was not a complete headache but there were some gotchas. I have a proximity autofocus sensor that caused some difficulty and along with that, the Z-axis needed a change to better calibrate it. Also, there was some metal cutting work to move the ammeter and get the new controller user interface installed.
But after a few hours of futzing around, it’s complete, and even better than that it works.
If anyone wants for details let me know.

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So, no issues with Lightburn recognizing it? There was a question from a month or so back about whether that specific model was compatible and since it looks like a cost-effective option it’s good to know there are no software issues.

It is recognized as a 644Xg controller but so far otherwise there has not been an issue.

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