I’m trying the circular tool for the first time to make a clock, the setting starts at zero, end at 360 but the steps start at 360. When I attempt to change to 45 like in the videos, the end number changes also. I have restarted lightburn several times and the issues continue unless that’s what’s supposed to happen.Please advise, thank You
Thank you for posting this. What version of LightBurn are you running and which OS please?
I just went through the process and it worked properly.
I created a circle as a template, then an oval as the object of the array
I then entered 360 deg as the array and 12 for the number of copies, and the rest is automatically entered by the tool
If you change the end or copies, they’ll adjust the step size automatically, and changing the step size adjusts the end automatically and leaves the Copies number alone. There was a glitch in the math for that, which I’ve fixed for 0.9.15 (thank you!) but just change End and Copies and you should get the result you expect.
lastest version, windows, seems its a glitch as Oz responded after, so I’m all set thank you
Thank You for the answer
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