Copying a font to?

Oh Golly, I don’t know how to word this question. My baby brother hooked up my laptop to the Laser in the garage so I can run Lightburn files that are on on my Computer. I am wondering how I can add a new font to my Laser file? It is 3 a.m. and I am thinking this is a bad time to call him :grin:

Find the font you want and download it to your computer. Right click on the file and select Install for All users

Any font loaded into windows will be available to lightburn. When you install the font make sure you right click and select Install for All Users or it may not show up in Lightburn

From windows start type font. Then select View Installed Fonts to see all the fonts installed on your computer


Got it, thanks. Lucie

Here’s a nice little free program (Nexusfont Manager) you can download and install. It will display a list and samples of all the fonts loaded on your computer. You can view it or print it out. Very handy when your trying to pick a font for a project. Saves you scrolling through hundreds of fonts when doing a project.

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I use that same software. I often install custom fonts for jobs and this program lets me categorize the fonts by folder to make them easier to find later. I can then select the correct font by name from the font drop down.

It would be nice if there was a way to place fonts in a sub-directory within the fonts folder and select them directly from the font drop down. I did a search on this and it seems I’m not the only one that wished this option were possible.