My problem seems to have started after I used the rotary tool. After doing some engraving on a glass I switch to another project cutting and engraving. I discovered that my y and x axes were not accurate, so I calibrated the X axis, which went fine but I never could properly calibrate the Y axis. I read that it may be because I had to close down all functions related to the rotary tool. So, I checked everything and closed down all rotary functions. Now when I frame, it crashes into the walls, and now it frames bigger than it should be and is not even framing where the drawing is located in Lightburn. I loaded the pref backup to a date that I did not have any problems and still with the same problem. All these test were made on a new window. At times when framing is completed it does not go back to home. I am using this machine for a year now and never had this problem and I always used Absolute Coordinates. I am on this problem for two days now, listening to youtube videos, going on forums, some had the same problem but it seems that it was fixing itself. Desperate need help, thanks
If X axis is good I would try setting Y to same setting.
Likely calibration was never the problem.
Make sure Rotary is disabled. Make sure you are on absolute coordinates.Can you successfully home the machine?
When I frame it homes ok, when I burn a line, the speed is very fast and does not home prperly
First on speeds. Not sure what burning speeds your using for burning. Normal for me is between 1200 and 2400 for baltic birch plywood. Second the laser doesnt usually home after the job is done. It goes to a positions you set in lightburn. i have mine set for the top right of the bed.
Home is where the limit switches are located. It cannot move. Origin is where the 0,0 location is established. It can be anywhere in the workspace.
When reading this link, note the difference between machine and job origin…