Creality Falcon wobbly notched circles

Hi all

I have a Creality Falcon 10w laser and when engraving a small circle it has various degrees of wobble and has a weird “notch” in the same place every time at the bottom right. I have used the laser for a couple of months but never really noticed anything like this before, but I can’t honestly say whether its a new issue or not:

These are not perfect circles, 6.9mm x 7.3mm approx. and engraved at 4000mm/m or ~67mm/s. Slowing it down improves it a lot, although still a little bit of wobble.

I have tried tensioning the belts, ensured all screws are tight in the frame, cleaned the lens, checked the wheels and rails are clear of debris. Straight lines seem fine on both X and Y, it just seems to be circles

I have spent 2 days trying to fix this and its starting to drive me insane.

Thanks in advance for any possible ideas you may have to diagnose/fix this

These are tough to diagnose

I would try two things
a) Slow down the same object by a factor of 2. (also power lower of course)
Run it. Does it improve or is for the most part the same
b) run this test file, is specifically done to test and gauge belt tesnions
c) make sure the cables are routed in a way that are not being caught or tugging on the frame on the machine motions.
Dot Test with Angle.lbrn (46.3 KB)

Thank you for the quick reply Gil

I slowed it down by a factor of 2 and it improved significantly

Please see result of the test file:

I have ensured cables are routed freely, there’s no catching/tugging/pulling and the belt channels are clear

This file runs at 1500mm/min and . except that little wobble above the Y it seems as perfect as you can have it
So belts are as ok as one could expect

I would say if you have issues again is either, too optimistic speeds or some random frame issue, somehting is pulling where it shouldnt be!

Thank you, I will slow it down and see how I go

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