Cut Order Changing each time I preview or cut

It would appear that the cut order (automatically generated, inside cuts first) is changing each time I preview or cut.
I have a simple outline shape which has a hole cut in the top for a keyring, there is a scan pattern etched into the surface, I duplicate that grouped shape a few times to cut multiple of them, then preview and it all looks ok, with the inside holes cut before the outside shapes. However when I send it to the laser, it cuts some correct and others it does the outside before the inside, which is a failure as the piece has already fallen away.
I have played around with previewing the cut a few times in a row and I can see the cut going from good to bad back to good again, each time I preview.

If I disable the scan layer it seems to behave as expected and always cuts inside out.

What am I doing wrong?

It would be better practice to explicitly assign a unique layer to the interior shapes that you would like to be first, order the layers accordingly, and set your optimization settings to Order By Layer:



Keeping the line layer the same for both interior and exterior, you may designate the priority of the shapes (setting the interior shapes to 0 and the exterior shapes to >0) and set your optimization settings to Order By Layer ; Order By Priority:


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Can you post the file? This should work. (if it’s not something you’re open to sharing, email it to and I’ll pull it from there)

The cut ordering is supposed to be deterministic (identical every time, unless you change something), so I’d be curious to see what’s happening.

Hi Oz

Not keen to share publicly as the designs are not mine, so I will do either one of two things.
Ill either send you the file to support@, or Ill try mimic the problem with a design that I can share.


Hi @LightBurn, I have emailed you a file at

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